P A Y M E N T S | Payment for services is due by the date services are to begin in your home. Payments can be made an be made by Cash, Check, or Cashapp ($WAGSPetSitting). As of 7/23/23, we will no longer accept Venmo payments.

D E P O S I T S | To secure guaranteed date(s) on our booking calendar, our team now requests a 50% up-front deposit. This helps safeguard our team from lost wages in the event of client cancellations, as we may be required to turn other prospective jobs away, and the ability to book alternate job(s) during your original booking request may not always be possible. We understand life happens, and although your deposit is non-refundable, in the event you have to cancel your plans with us, your deposit will be credited toward your next billed service(s).

B O O K I N G S | All booking requests are considered by our providers to be “pending” until the services have been invoiced, and a deposit has been received.

M E E T & G R E E T S | All new clients are required to have a minimum of one Meet & Greet with one of our WAGS providers. This ensures that all parties — pets, their families, & our providers are a good fit for one another.

P E T S O N L Y | Clients understand and acknowledge that WAGS In-Home Pet Sitting Services does NOT provide care for adults or minor children. Requests for or attempts to coerce one of our providers to do so will be grounds for client dismissal.

P R O V I D E R S A F E T Y | For the safety of your pet(s), as well as that of our providers, any pet within your home that has been known to bite MUST be shared with our team prior to services being rendered in your home. Failure to disclose such information will be grounds for client dismissal.

P R O V I D E R P R I V A C Y | WAGS understands that home security and monitoring are commonplace. Clients are encouraged, at their discretion, to share the location(s) with their providers of any video or audio recording / streaming / monitoring devices within the common areas of their home, prior to a provider’s stay in the home. WAGS prioritizes the safety & comfort of your pets as well as that of our providers. For that reason, when staying in your home, we believe our providers should still have a reasonable expectation as to their privacy inasmuch that any space designated for them to sleep, or use the bathroom be free of any such devices. Please remember to consider this policy when assigning your provider with guest accommodations within your home. Failure to provide your WAGS sitter with safe, secure spaces to both sleep and use the restroom within your home free of audio or video monitoring devices, visible or hidden, is grounds for immediate dismissal as a client & may be reported to your local law enforcement agency.

R I G H T T O R E F U S A L | WAGS retains the express right to refuse services to any client family.